Application Processing Fee


Application Processing Fee


If you have already paid this fee, please ignore. You will not need to pay again!

Please choose this option to pay our one- time processing fee if you are applying to adopt a Coco's Heart dog. This fee goes toward our administrative resources used to start and complete the adoption process. This fee is non-refundable, as we begin our process as soon as you submit your application. If CHDR does not or has not received this processing fee, your application unfortunately will not be processed and you will not hear from us.

Submitting the processing fee does not guarantee you the dog you are interested in is available. If the dog is no longer available, we will work with you on either placing your name on a waiting list or helping find a match for you! We strive to work with applicants that are committed to our process of finding lifelong matches for our applicants.

Have you already paid the this fee once before? You DO NOT need to pay it again. Please submit the adoption application, selecting “yes” to have paid the fee. If we have any questions, we will follow up with you via e-mail.

Please e-mail with any questions!

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