Richard is home! He spent several weeks at the University of Minnesota’s Leatherdale Equine Center. He is a survivor of a dramatic injury and has undergone a procedure that is extremely rare for the horse species. The reason the surgery and a chance at life was possible for Richard was simply because of his size. He is 115 lbs (soaking wet) and the size of a golden retriever. If he was any larger, euthanasia would have been the only option. We are beyond thankful of his team at the U of M for their research in developing Richard’s surgery, treatment, care, and recovery plan and Richard has been given a second chance at life.

It is important to know that Richard is considered special needs. He does not walk like a “normal” mini or average size horse. He does not stand like a normal horse. However, he is not in pain and is not on pain meds. This is important to note being interested in joining his team as you will become an advocate of his and will be educated and trained on how to properly and safely move him, adjust his back legs if needed, etc.

There is likely no other horse out there like Richard. Quality of life is always and will remain our priority for this little fellow and any animal who comes to rescue. It is important that he receives his daily enrichment which will help him thrive long term and allow him the most stress-free and pain-free life that we and his team at the U of M can give him.

Experience is not a strong requirement- we will train you- however comfort around special needs animals, being willing to shift and move his back legs as needed (they can sometimes become a bit tangled), and being reliable are crucial things to consider when applying to join his enrichment team.

Shifts include 3x daily, 30-60 minutes minimal, year round opportunities, all weather conditions. Shifts are voluntary and no requirement for how many you choose to commit to!

Duties include but not limited to- taking Richard for walks, grooming (brushing, bathing as necessary, etc), picking hooves, picking his stall and dry lot as needed, topping off water, providing other enrichment, documenting shift, misc cleaning in barn, etc. Richard has chore help that is separate than the enrichment team and will have daily duties like feeding, cleaning stall, etc.

*Please note- this is a volunteer position.